At the beginning of my writing workshops I challenge every student to Play Your Brave Card. Brave cards are magical moments when you use your courage to expand your comfort zone. You find the strength to speak up, to work harder, to be kinder, and to be a better you. I sometimes ask the students how it makes them feel when they play their brave cards.
Here are some of my favorite answers. “It makes me feel smart. It makes me feel kind. It makes me feel hopeful. It makes me feel like sharing. It makes me feel better about myself.”
A 12 year old boy summed it when he said, “I’m usually lazy, but today I did my best. How I feel after doing my best is so much better than how I feel after being lazy. I want this feeling gain.”
Life is a difficult game that was meant to be played with courage. Play your brave card and get that smart, kind, hopeful, generous, energetic feeling again.